Thursday 27 October 2022

Scope charity blows over £6k of donor cash on Tory attack ad

Disability charity Scope have finally admitted that they used £6,184.77 of donors' hard-earned on a crass and pathetic Tory-attack ad at the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham (2nd-5th October):

Of course, Scope are likely to want increased taxpayer support for the disabled, but even allowing for the bullsh*t factor in advertising, this grotesque effort is false and offensive. Whilst lobby groups may want more for their special interest groups, it is patently untrue that the Government ignores the disabled and doesn't funnel substantial sums of our money to this (deserving) section of society. The actual wording, "We worked harder on this ad than the Government has for disabled people", is a patent lie and a complaint has been made to the Advertising Standards Authority. 

There is a lunatic fringe who simply "hate the Tories" but the fact is that many Tory Ministers and other Conservative politicians work extremely hard for "the disabled" - politically and, frequently, personally. The advert is intended to give offence to them, and the siting of the advert at the Conference was deliberately wounding and provocative.

Note the use of the word "we" in the ad, which suggests that a team of morons were responsible for this abomination, and the decision to take money from Scope's donors to pay for it. I suspect that the "we" are a group of men since Liz Truss (remember her?) is shown when she has never held any ministerial position in the Department of Health & Social Care. This is a deeply misogynistic attack from a Charity that purports to promote "equality".

It is hardly surprising that well-paid leftie charity types are willing to use other people's money on political stunts of this kind. The sector is packed with them as they are unable to find such well-paid employment elsewhere.

Scope's last published accounts show that at least FOUR of its "top executives" earn in excess of £100k per annum and face no "cost of living crisis" themselves. In the last financial year expenses were such that only 73% of funds - including donations from the public - were actually spent of Scope's charitable work. Admin and pay accounted for a stonking 27% of funds. Charity begins at home.

The Government has properly diverted colossal sums from taxpayers to the disabled via a number of benefits. In May this year a further £1.3 BILLION over three years was announced in employment support for the disabled and those with health conditions alone.

To say that the Government does not work hard for the disabled is, as above, a lie as Scope knows only too well. In the latest accounts Scope itself boasted that THEY organised a meeting for welfare claimants to discuss issues with the Minister of State for Disabled People. Further, and more particularly, Scope itself was a major recipient of Covid furlough and recovery grants from the, er, nasty Tories. The last accounts show restricted central government (taxpayers') funds given to Scope of £568,000 - over half a million quid! Gross hypocrisy on top of the big lie in the ad.

Of course, we would all be better off - including the less-abled - if loopholes were closed and individuals and companies actually paid headline rates of tax in the first place. It is noteworthy that Scope Trustees decided to take over £6k from the disabled and give it to Ocean Outdoor UK Limited instead. In their latest filed accounts Ocean state that had they paid the 19% rate of Corporation Tax (to be increased to 25%) in their profitable last financial year, they would have paid us (via the UK Government) £778,000 whereas they were actually able to reduce this sum by various adjustments to just £275,000 - LESS than 7% of taxable profits!

Ocean was able to claim, inter alia, a tax reduction of £77,000 for the racy-sounding "group relief". What, what? The fact is that Scope's pals at Ocean avoid some UK tax via good old Caribbean tax havens. The "ultimate controlling party and ultimate parent" company of the UK operation is Ocean Outdoor Limited of Kingston Chambers, PO Box 173, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands (former and current home of pirates and privateers).

Scope have been tardy in admitting that it was over £6k they nicked from their cause to give to Ocean though refuse to apologise. It is not enough that "lessons are learned" and some action must be taken here.

If the Government still owe money to Scope they should consider freezing payment pending a full investigation. Scope itself should start disciplinary proceeding against the perps behind this sick stunt (which might have the added benefit of slightly reducing the 27% wage/admin bill).

Meanwhile the Trustees (as listed on Scope's website) behind this ill-conceived political attack are Robin Millar, Mark Johnstone, Matthew Johnston, Donna Glover, Alex Massey, Zeinab Chaudhry, Joanne Hall, Tariq Khan, and Simon Godfrey. These nine people should reimburse Scope for the £6,184.77 squandered - that's £687.20 each. We invite them to contact us when they have done so and we shall be pleased to let you all know.